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Child participating in Calming Minds 8-Week Programme

I’m much less stressed and I find it much easier to relax.

Child participating in Calming Minds 8-Week Programme

I feel more relaxed, I can sleep better and I am happier.

Child participating in Calming Minds 8-Week Programme

I love it when you (Linda) teach us games and helpful things to keep us calm. I love Calming Minds!

Parent of student participating in Calming Minds 8-Week Programme

Calming Minds is such wonderful program for kids. Clare creates such a beautiful environment for the kids. It has just the right balance of movement, props, singing, stillness to keep them wanting to go back each week. I love that it has sparked an interest and value for meditation. My kids don’t want it to end.

Child participating in Calming Minds 8-Week Programme

I loved everything about Calming Minds.  I had so much fun.  It has helped me to learn how to breathe and meditate and this has made me calm, relaxed and happy. 

Child participating in Calming Minds 8-Week Programme

It helped me calm down when I am angry.

Child participating in Calming Minds 8-Week Programme

I had so much fun and loved the games we played.  I learnt how to breathe and I am starting to chill.

Child participating in Calming Minds 8-Week Programme

It was so awesome.  It made me smarter, happier and calmer.

 Child from Children’s Mindfulness & Meditation 8-Week Programme

Thanks for doing nice meditations with us, and keep us calm.

Teacher from Primary School where Calming Minds 8-Week Programme was held

Last semester, students at our school were given the opportunity to participate in an after school program called Calming Minds. This program took place once a week in the library and a trained individual ran each session.

One of the students in my class participated in this program. I began noticing a change in her attitude and behaviour before I even knew she was in the program. She began showing more maturity within the classroom and she was developing skills to help her to self-regulate and build resiliency in the classroom. Her interactions with her fellow classmates became more positive and her work standard had increased. She was more intrinsically driven and had further developed her positive work habits.

The changes I noticed in this particular student, in just a short period of time, were fantastic and proof that this program really does work. I highly recommend this to all students and encourage parent’s to take advantage of this program.

Parent of student participating in Calming Minds 8-Week Programme was held

Amazing program and teacher.  My child just loved going every week and the difference I have noticed in his behaviour is rather remarkable in a short time.  He just loves his mindfulness stick and I can’t believe such a simple tool makes such a difference. We will definitely be back Rainbow Clare, thank you for sharing your knowledge and all the energy you bring to making it fun for the kids to learn.

Parent of student participating in Calming Minds 8-Week Programme

I noticed a difference in my child’s emotional state.  He is having less emotional meltdowns and shorter in duration.  I also noticed his self esteem improved and he has better interaction with other kids.  The support and level of trust and relationship my child built with Clare was also very comforting.  He really enjoyed attending these sessions each week and they have made a big difference to his life and emotional wellbeing.

Parent of student participating in Calming Minds 8-Week Programme

My child really enjoyed this program.  The big difference I noticed was the ability of my child to turn a negative mindset into a positive one.  I really enjoyed the experience my child had with mediation and positivity.

Parent of student participating in Calming Minds 8-Week Programme

My children who attending Calming Minds really looked forward to seeing Rainbow Clare every week to see what she had planned.  The programme provided a safe and supportive environment for my children to develop their mindfulness and meditation skills.  They now have less emotional meltdowns and are shorter in duration.  Thank you we will be back.

 Child from Children’s Mindfulness & Meditation 8-Week Programme

Thanks for helping me grow.

 Child from Children’s Mindfulness & Meditation 8-Week Programme

To Linda, thanks for your support and for teaching us all the things we need to learn to calm down.

Parent from Children’s Meditation & Meditation 8-Week Programme

I thank the universe for you everyday. You always make me and my child feel so safe and special. Thank you for helping my child and me in our lives. I am forever grateful we have met you. My son has been signed off by his OT teacher and this is due to you. Can’t thank you enough Clare, we love you and all you do.

Child from Children’s Meditation & Meditation 8-Week Programme

I love all the fun we have with you. My mindfulness jar is near my bed which I use when I am upset as it helps me to stay calm.

Parent from Children’s Meditation & Meditation 8-Week Programme

Thank you Clare, my daughter just loves your classes.  She has so much fun with all the mindfulness games and is a lot more calmer.  We both look forward to her continuing the programme with you.

Teacher from Personal Development Day

I really enjoyed the day, thanks so much.  It was really moving and great to know how to practice mindfulness in everyday life. Your presentation was so inspiring and your energy contagious.

Teacher from Personal Development Day

Absolutely beautifully presented and an enlightening day.  Thanks for sharing your knowledge – you are so passionate and engaging.  It was hard not to relax and get involved with such great energy and activities.  Can’t wait to give it a try.

Teacher from Personal Development Day

Fabulous – I will be recommending you to other schools. Beautifully presented and just great tools and techniques that I can use.  Loved it!  

Child from Children’s Mindfulness & Meditation 8-Week Programme

You are the best meditation teacher in the whole wide world.

Parent for Mindfulness & Meditation 8-Week Programme

Rainbow Clare you have had such a positive impact in my girl’s lives and I just can’t thank you enough.  The world needs more Clare’s as you bring so much love and joy to everyone you met, making an incredible impact on so many. Thank you Clare for being in my children’s and my life. I am so happy we found you.

Child from Children’s Mindfulness & Meditation 8-Week Programme

I don’t get angry and I easily stay calm.

thankful and blessed

 We feel extremely blessed for all the beautiful children who cross our paths, and  we are forever grateful you all make our dream job so fulfilling.  It makes our hearts sing seeing you all experience the power of mindfulness and meditation has on our lives. Thank You for your beautiful words that have touched us dearly. We feel honoured and blessed to have crossed paths with you all! Shine On – Clare and Linda x

If you would like to leave a testimonial we thank you in advance, you can leave your comments here – heartfelt gratitude of thanks for taking the time to leave some feedback:

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