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Introduce Mindful Meditation into the Classroom

For Teachers

These sessions are aimed at empowering Primary School Teachers with the tools and techniques of Mindful Meditation.

This course helps teachers to introduce Mindful Meditation into the classroom and create a more balanced environment for conducive learning, and to help children regulate their own emotions, bringing a sense of calm and peace.

Proven by current evidence-based research material, Mindful Meditation supports the overall wellbeing; physically, mentally, socially and emotionally.

Why would you want to introduce Mindful Meditation into the classroom?

  • It Reduces stress
  • We learn how to breath properly
  • Helps with depression and anxiety
  • Helps with social behaviour
  • Helps with focus and concentration
  • Addresses self-esteem issues
  • Helps us calm down and be in the moment, bringing a sense of CALM
  • Teaches us to be resilient & positive
  • Gives us coping tools for life
  • lnvolves left and right brain stimulation
  • Uses the same part of the brain as reading, writing and creativity
  • Helps children with learning difficulties, such as ADD & ADHD
  • Helps our overall wellbeing!  … and these are just to name a few!

Introducing Mindful Meditation into the classroom is an easy and fun way to address and support:

  • Behavioural challenges in the classroom, and at home
  • Children suffering from anxiety, depression or overwhelmed by emotions
  • Home, family and relationship stresses and worries
  • Resilience and Positivity
  • Creative children
  • Playground bullying
  • Non-competitive children
  • Stress and worry relating to formal testing at a school or national level (NAPLAN)
  • Wellbeing of the whole child: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual

Mindful Meditation is such a special gift we can give to our children, not only so they can use in their everyday life now, but ensuring a beautiful, empowering skill set they can take into their adulthood.

So why wouldn’t you gift your teachers the skillset of Mindful Meditation and how to introduce this skillset into the classroom!

All Professional Development Days are specialised to your individual school’s needs.

One Day Professional Development Day:

‘Introduce Mindful Meditation into the Classroom’ Course Content:

  • What causes Stress.
  • The science behind stress: ‘The Stress Response’.
  • What is Mindfulness and Meditation.
  • The science behind mindful meditation: ‘The Relaxation Response’.
  • The power of the Breath.
  • Why and how to use your Five Senses to be mindful.
  • The power of Words – positive self-talk.
  • How Gratitude can change your life.
  • Experience Mindful Meditation through-out the day.
  • Introducing Mindful Meditation to children and how to introduce into the classroom:
    • how to explain stress and anxiety to children and how healthy brains work
    • how to explain mindfulness to children and how to link to emotions
    • breath breaks to use with children
    • how to use our five senses to be mindful
    • using affirmations to change fixed mindset to growth mindset
    • how to be grateful and why
    • how to incorporate mindful movements: getting children up and moving
    • incorporating mindful activities in the classroom
    • setting-up a mindful corner in the classroom

Heartfelt thank you for visiting Calming Minds website.  If you would like to discuss in more detail, we would love to hear from you:

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