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8-Week Mindful Meditation Programme


      Addressing children’s wellbeing through

Movement, Mindfulness & Meditation

taught during school terms across Perth, Western Australia

Calming Minds have developed an experienced, evidence-based 8-week programme for Early Childhood and Primary Years of schooling with focus areas in the Child Protection Curriculum and aligning with the Australian Curriculum’s Health and Physical Education Strand and the Early Years Learning Framework.

Proven by current evidence-based research material, mindfulness and meditation supports the overall wellbeing; physically, mentally, socially and emotionally.

Calming Minds are so passionate about providing children with the skillset of Mindful Meditation, as it is such a precious gift we can gift our children of today, so they can use this empowering skillset now and in the future when they become productive members of the community. Children will learn and see the value in their own ‘unique light’ and find inner peace at an early age, helping them to cope with their emotions and life events.

Our 8-week Programme covers the themes of Mindfulness, Positive Self-Talk, Trust, Gratitude, Emotions, Resilience, Connection and Love.

We offer sessions for 4-7 year olds and 8-12 year olds. The concepts covered are the same in each age group, but the children are taught at an age appropriate level.

Participating in the Calming Minds 8-week programme, children can experience the benefits of quietening and calming their minds while regulating their own emotions, to improve their ability to retain and recall information, improve concentration and learn to redirect their mind chatter from a ‘Fixed Mindset’ to a ‘Growth Mindset’ (negative to a positive mindset) to support good mental health and overall wellbeing – the greatest life tools we can give them!

Calming Minds’ Children’s Movement, Mindful Meditation 8-Week Programmes are held at schools across Perth, Western Australia during the school term.  The programme runs for one hour a week, for 8 weeks.  This hour can be before school, after school or incorporated into the school day.

Mindful Meditation is such a special gift we can give to our children, not only so they can use in their every day life now, but it’s a beautiful skill-set they can take into their adulthood.

Mindful Meditation has many benefits:

  • It teaches us how to breathe properly
  • Reduces stress
  • Helps with depression and anxiety
  • Helps with social behaviour
  • Helps with focus and concentration
  • Addresses self-esteem issues
  • Helps us calm down and be in the moment, bringing a sense of calm
  • Teaches us to be resilient & positive
  • Gives us coping tools for life
  • Fosters left and right brain stimulation
  • Uses the same part of the brain as reading, writing and creativity
  • Helps children with learning difficulties, such as ADD & ADHD
  • Helps our overall wellbeing  … and these are just to name a few!

‘Calming Minds: 8-week Programme’ is an easy and fun way to address and support:

  • Behavioural challenges in the classroom, and at home
  • Children suffering from anxiety, depression or overwhelmed by emotions
  • Home, family and relationship stresses and worries
  • Resilience and Positivity
  • Left and right brain stimulation
  • Creative children
  • Playground bullying
  • Children with ADD and ADHD
  • Non-competitive children
  • Stress and worry relating to formal testing at a school or national level (NAPLAN)
  • Wellbeing of the whole child: physical, mental, social and emotional

Calming Minds’ classes are extremely fun and interactive, helping children to learn valuable tools to help them find a sense of peace and calm.

Classes include:

  • Mindful Movement/Games and Yoga
  • Breathing Techniques to manage our emotions to reduce stress and anxiety
  • Guided Visualisation Meditation encouraging ‘calm children’
  • Teaching of positive self-talk to build self-esteem
  • Promoting awareness of thought and action
  • Nourishing creativity and encouraging compassion, generosity and respect
  • Stimulating parts of the brain that increase focus and concentration
  • Guidance and Resources for Parents in weekly emails.
  • Having fun while learning!

Why not address overall WELLBEING in a fun way and gift your children a powerful tool to take through to their adulthood and live a happy and peaceful life!!!

If your child’s school doesn’t offer our programme to their students, we are happy to contact your Principal and offer the Calming Minds 8-Week Programme.   

Click on this link to see some photos of the programme! 

Holistic Investment $25 per child per session = $200 for the term; 1-hour for an eight week period. This includes take home pack of mindfulness tools to use in the comfort of your home, along with parents receiving weekly updates on what their child has learnt, so you can keep the skill-set alive in the home and encourage daily.

Calming Minds not only offers group sessions, but also facilitates children’s one-on-one sessions to address individual children’s needs.

Please contact us below if you would like to know more about our 8-Week Programme, we would love to hear from you:

Contact Us